Monday, December 13, 2004

The Mac

I used to like Macintosh computers. They were much sleeker than PCs, to say the least. No matter how your politics lie, Windows operating system is merely a flawed copy of the Apple operating system. All the really good graphics software was designed to used the superior Mac, if not games. Macs are much cooler looking as well. People who don't like computers, buy Macs because they make nice home decor. Sure, those people are dumb, but Apple got them and HP or Dell didn't.

But then there's that bottom line - the price. When I can get a much cheaper PC with much cheaper software, if not free software, why would I buy a Mac? And so I didn't use a Mac for many years. Until today. It sucked. Maybe I have become an old dog, but I have little tolerance for illogical systems. That one button mouse is crap. The window opening, closing, and sizing business is silly. Where is the file structure tree? I need that tree. That "Finder" is pure Pope shit.

Then again I hate certain people's personal setup on their PC's as well. Like when the mouse is way too sensitive, or is a trackball instead. Or a god-damned too-sensitive trackball. Or they use "My Computer" or the incredibly lame search dog or paperclip animations/roadblocks. Or a distracting wallpaper is behind a desktop filled with once-used word file icons. Or there's the Start menu with every freeware program known to the internet listed. It takes up the whole screen when you accidentally mouse over Programs. Clean that shit off.

If you disagree with my operating system aesthetics, then don't use my computer, and I won't use yours. And I think we should see other people.


Yeah I hear a lot of people who went back to Macs after years are not happy. They went to a FreeBSD(linux) backend kernel. I wouldn't mind getting one for myself b/c of the linux backend, but they are so damn expensive and the graphic's being better on them, just isnt true anymore. PC's now have the best processors, graphic cards and software or at least the same as MAC's 

Posted by courtney

12/13/2004 11:20:00 PM  


I learned graphics on a Mac, and that's why I think I was able to tolerate doing it on PCs until they got better. Off topic: Is this the Berkeley where yall are from? 

Posted by cory

12/14/2004 01:59:00 AM  


Ohhh! I hate that stupid paperclip search helper, too. That's the first thing I remove off a computer.

And, the mouse? It MUST BE LASER. MUST! 

Posted by Jeanette

12/14/2004 12:54:00 PM  


I do like the open architecture OS with only a GUI on top. Maybe if I invested more time customizing a Mac I would like it better.

When were "we" ever from Berkeley? I did have some friends from there, and traveled through a few times. I remember Rasputin's Records and a vegan Chinese restaurant.

As far as pointer devices go, I would recommend Wacom tablets.

Posted by Steve

12/14/2004 02:30:00 PM  


I converted. 

Posted by Sean

1/04/2005 02:11:00 AM  




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