Monday, October 03, 2005

I ♥ Hearts

Today I was wondering why the heart symbol (♥) is stylized the way it is, and why we all accept it without question. It really looks nothing like an actual heart, so who decided this "heart" would symbolize love?

This site gives a nice little synopsis into the history of the issue. PBS gets into more detail, mostly medical although. And here is a quick breakdown of several related issues, like why Valentine's Day exists. Because nobody will read any of that here are the most interesting parts -

Catholics claim that the symbol came from Saint Margaret Marie Alacoque vision of The Sacred Heart in the late 17th Century, but there is evidence of it even further back than that. For instance, Cro-Magnon hunters in Europe used the symbol in some of their pictograms, but nobody knows for sure what they meant by it. Those pesky Egyptians had a belief that your heart, or the ieb, is taken to the Hall of Maat after you die to be weighed against a feather. The ieb looks coincidentally like the heart symbol we all know, know, know, and love, love, love.

But here is the best part - There was this city, Cyrene, in Northern Africa somewhere around 7th century BC. This was a big deal city for the time because they did good trade with a valuable plant called Silphium. This species of fennel was so valuable that they traded it to extinction. So what did this miracle plant do? Birth control! However,
"Cultural bias and societal hubris have long clouded the vision of scholars, rendering most unwilling to even consider - never mind acknowledge - that ancient cultures possessed the means and the knowledge to do what until very recently was beyond the capabilities of 'modern' medicine." (Emilio N Favority and Kurt Baty. The Celator, Vol 9, No.2)
Some coins from Cyrene have been found and depicted on them is the seed pod of the powerful Silphium. So love, as it is depicted today, might ultimately come from something as pagan and immoral as birth control. (Maybe Cyrene was in ruins because the plant was too successful!)

Also, the practice of celebrating Valentine's Day most likely comes from the Roman celebration of Lupercalia, a fertility festival, held annually on February 15th (my birthday!). In fact, even the word February might be derived from a Roman festival tradition of running down the street swinging a goatskin thong called a Februa. They believed that if a woman were to touch the thong she would be more fertile. Frankly, that's weird, and of course Christians could have none of that, so they subverted the festivals into a Saint's day - Valentine's (who very likely gained his reputation through unsaintly behavior).

This will all seem more relevant in about four months. Cross my heart.


Hey Steve!

Sorry to go off-topic here but I had to ask you something and I see no e-mail address anywhere.

Anyway, last year on October 16, you shared an old Halloween photo of you and your siblings. I have a vintage Halloween photo blog and was wondering if you'd mind if I shared that cool picture there as well? I'd of course credit and link back to you here as the source.

Thanks either way! Just thought it'd be a fun one to post on my blog. Let me know when you get a chance. Thanks!

Happy Haunting!
Keith Milford | Old Haunts 

Posted by Keith

10/03/2005 11:23:00 PM  


steve, i thought that was really interesting. that first link was to a jewelery shop, but it had a reference article on silphium, so i looked that up and found this page with pictures of old coins and a timeline and lots of interesting references. like one that says "unnoticed allusioins to contraception in a poem and a princeps?", or "enquiry into plants and minor works on odors and weather signs".

the webpage shows a lot of coins that had silphium on them, so it must've been pretty important. it even makes it sound like some of the first coins had silphium on them way back in 510 BC. so i guess birth control must have made up the foundation of civilization and they were real excited about having tons of sex. actually, it sounds like it was a real source of wealth for them, because it had so many more uses besides birth contol, so its more likely that the plant became a symbol of trading and aquiring rich stuff. here's that site:

its seems interesting to see how the quality of the coins fluctuate with the quality of the times. i wonder if the gold coins were the high point during that civilization, or just the most beurocratic time? it looks like coins were golden when alexander the great ruled. wasn't he kind of a murderin' jerk? and his coins showed tough lookin' roman gods. then ptolemy comes along and rules for a couple hundred years and puts the abortion plant back on the coin, but the coins stop being golden. Why? why? why steve? Why please.


Posted by arron

10/04/2005 05:08:00 PM  


What's up with that guy and the halloween pictures? Do you think he is after kiddie porn? I always like halloween pictures myself. Even other peoples. Even other peoples kids.  

Posted by mandy

10/05/2005 07:36:00 PM  


"This will all seem more relevant in about four months. Cross my heart." I guess not.  

Posted by mandy

10/06/2005 03:44:00 PM  


Fennel is also helpful for gas. Link  

Posted by Jeanette

10/06/2005 04:46:00 PM  


um . . . in about four months VALENTINE'S DAY will be RELEVANT. Believe me, that will make more sense to you nine months from now . . . when you can finally add it up. How's that for mean, Man-hole? 

Posted by Steve

10/06/2005 11:19:00 PM  


valentines day is a shitty holiday that just highlights the lonliness of lonely people and i think we should bring back the old goat skin touchin' day and do a bunch of silphium and have tons of sex and instead of having it on one crummy day out of the year (its on february 14th, right?) we should make it last all month long!  

Posted by arron

10/07/2005 09:34:00 AM  


I ♥ Valentine's day. No matter what any lonely, bitter, grumpy person says. 

Posted by Jeanette

10/07/2005 12:53:00 PM  




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