This is an UNFINISHED school portrait of Medusa. It is UNFINISHED because I am a poor time manager. Our little Illustration club (SCAD - Society of Illustrators) was pushing for entries to this juried show themed around the title, "Midnight in the Gallery of Good and Evil." I ditched the "gallery" part of that, but I like the play of Good and Evil. Since I missed the deadline for submissions - about 45 minutes from now - I will have to be self-motivated to finish it. Also, I'm still not convinced about her facial expression.
Looking back my big problem was sleep - too much on the weekends and too little during the week. This next weekend won't be like that although. I am going to participate/facilitate in a 24-hour drawing marathon in Atlanta. So far there are about 150 students and teachers signed up to hang out in the SCAD-Atlanta parking garage to draw on large scrolls of paper from noon on Friday to noon on Saturday. It sounds fun and challenging and I get paid to be there. So it is a win/win/win/ situation (except for the lack of sleep thing, again).
Looking back my big problem was sleep - too much on the weekends and too little during the week. This next weekend won't be like that although. I am going to participate/facilitate in a 24-hour drawing marathon in Atlanta. So far there are about 150 students and teachers signed up to hang out in the SCAD-Atlanta parking garage to draw on large scrolls of paper from noon on Friday to noon on Saturday. It sounds fun and challenging and I get paid to be there. So it is a win/win/win/ situation (except for the lack of sleep thing, again).
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These things are really evil.
Posted by mandy
You are totally correct, Mandy and now I can't delete it like I usually do because then your clever comment would make little sense. Then again, they usually don't anyway. Blogger has somewhat fixed the robot comment problem by requiring people to do the retype the strange graphic trick. Unfortunately, I am using a hack to get it in this format (before blogger updated their commenting services), so the robots have started attacking me.
Posted by Steve
That was becoming a problem on Arron's blog so i think he instituted that security thing.
What hack are you doing anyhow?
Nice touch on lil Medusa doing her greek homework.
Posted by Justin
the robots are attacking me again too! even though i turned on the code typing thing. gotta go. nice drawing.
Posted by arron
I know what you mean about her expression. Something's... missing. Hmmm, maybe you could have her readin a book related to mythology. Or a teacher's stone hand in the corner. Well nothing that obvious, but something else to give it more of a story.
The other kids making fun of her snake hair.
She should be crying.
Posted by cory!
Why do you and marigold suddenly think nothing I say makes any sense? I thought you guys "got" me. If you don't, no one does. I guess this is goodbye.
Posted by mandy
I don't know what you are talking about Mandy.
Cory, good ideas, but the book thing is taken care of in a subtler way - she is doing her greek homework like a normal student. The stone teacher is a decent idea if I could somehow make it fit. Maybe the whole class is stone excpet for her. Therefore the picture would be a class portrait. Marigold suggested I redraw the body becuase it is too literal and make the face look kind of goofy in compairison. I agree with that. I'm not sure about her crying though - I want her to be more internally sad and tough on the outside - the heart of stone.
Posted by Steve
Oh, that's Greeek! See, I miss pivotal details in your art. Sorry for being dumb. But hearing you open up about her heart of stone made me think of another idea for the Good & Evil Gallery. How about that guy who touched things and they turned to gold. Except he's a kid and he's trying to hug his golden teddy bear, but he can't so he's sad. I don't know why I want to you draw sad characters. Maybe because your style is, for the most part, cheerful - Anyway, I think it'd be an interesting juxtaposition.
Posted by cory!
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I wonder if it is my fault that you have good rankings for celebrity free porn... Sorry.
Posted by mandy
Damn, Steve... you must have pissed off the Almighty Spam Gods.
Posted by cory!
My word! What is going on in here? I thought spam parties happened in Hawaii, not on Steve's blog.
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