Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Au Revoir, Savannah

When I did theater in high school I never really got nervous except for just before going on. I hated standing in the theater wing waiting for my cue. I would always get there too early and then have to wait for five minutes - that terrible five minutes. Otherwise I would barely feel the prick of nervousness. Leaving for France is like that. These few days before Thursday have been antsy ones. I guess it could be the vacuum of nothing scheduled and no due dates after the craziness of last week. Butt I also want to get the most out my time with Marigold before I leave, and I stress about how to do that properly. So I find myself doing silly things like making photo collages and giant poops. Same thing, you say? Well, everyone has their diversionary tactics.


Bon voyage, Steve! I hope you are able to update your blog while you are there, and share photos. 

Posted by Alicia

3/16/2005 10:12:00 AM  


oh god steve, I will miss you so. so so much. so. oh god. 

Posted by mandy

3/16/2005 02:19:00 PM  


Yes, please try to update your blog while you are gone. It is a nice substitute for the real you.

Oh. And remember to take the knives from your shoes ... airport security hates those. 

Posted by Jeanette

3/16/2005 04:10:00 PM  


Bon Voyage, Steve! You should eat some of them French Fries while you are over there.
Have fun at those "classes" in the South of France. 

Posted by Sara

3/16/2005 09:40:00 PM  


Take care man - travel safely and enjoy!


Posted by Sean

3/17/2005 06:22:00 PM  



Posted by Justin

3/19/2005 03:45:00 PM  




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