(Cubist drawing influenced by Marshall Arisman in the Lane Smith technique)
The Society (of Illustrators) had another little contest. This time, a test of our very wits. Mono a mono. No holds bars. Two illustrators go in. One comes out. Uh . . . What was I talking about? Oh yeah, The Society's 24-Hour Illustration Challenge 2005. Last night at about nine in the PM I, and a bunch of other Joes, picked a subject out of a hat. Then to further strain our endurance we picked a market out of a second hat. Then, beyond all possible belief, we were forced to pick again! Out of another hat! This time, thank the good lord, the last time, we picked a size proportion out of the final dreaded hat. The next 24 hours were spelled out for me on three tiny slips of paper.
The subject - ADHD
The market - Editorial Magazine, Slightly Liberal
The size - 6 x 13
"Wow!" I thought, "That is pretty mundane considering what I could have gotten." Imagine if I picked a children's market instead. Or even worse, a Slightly Conservative Magazine!
So you'd think that since the thing was due the next evening at nine PM I would go home right away to work. My friends, you don't know me very well do you? Don't answer out loud, that was a rhetorical question.
No, I went home to read Batman comics lent to me from a friend. (Which have disappointed me, by the way. Terrible coloring. Mediocre story) Then I went to bed. To sleep, of course. I planned on doing all the work I needed to do in the morning. After all, I had all day, right? Wrong again, stranger. I forgot that I had all day meetings for my upcoming Lacoste, France trip and work in the afternoon.
To make a long story that much longer, I somehow finished the piece and I actually like it. I was thinking of Senior Cory Pinter and the rest of his crazy family when coming up with ideas.
Moral of the story - I'm not mad a you, Cory, even though you hate my boring website.
Oh, yes, I see a resemblance to the Online Pictures I've seen. Of course, you know that will be you when it comes time to pack for your trip.
Posted by Jeanette
I just got all my supply lists for the classes I am taking in Lacoste and it looks like they might take the place of stylish clothes. Aparently, art supplies arn't in big demand in the tiny ancient town so we have to bring almost everything.
Posted by steve
yeah, that does look like cory, hahaha
Posted by kcswanko
What are you saying?
That you will be dressed like a homeless person but producing fine art? Or that you will be your own model for nude art classes?
Posted by Jeanette
yeah, that's me when I'm all relaxed...
Posted by cory
Blogspot won't let me add the HTTP tags...
Posted by kcswanko
Wow! That is a great gizmo! Our little Wacom tablet looks like poop next to that. And at only $2,500! Imagine how much even cheaper that would be if they become popular (which I can't imagine otherwise). Thanks for pointing that out to me Courtney. I will be the envy of all my "friends" with this new knowledge!
Jeanette, no nude classes in France for me. However, I hear the whores are cheap . . .
Posted by Steve
Check this: No Pants Subway Ride!
Posted by cory
*snickering* So, when do you leave? I forget ...
Posted by Jeanette
*snickering* So, when do you leave? I forget ... oh, and Happy Birthday ...
Posted by Jeanette
I leave for the Land o' Freedom, home of the Fry, on Saint Patty's Day. I return on Vientedos de Mayo, that greatest of Latin holidays.
Posted by steve
Hi Stephen "Steve" Haske,
Awesome post!
Posted by
Hi Stephen "Steve" Haske, I was just blog surfing and found you! Wow, I really like this one.
It’s such a pleasure to read your post …. Interesting! I was over at another site
looking at adhd medications
and they didn't go into as much detail as you, but nonetheless interesting.
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