Monday, December 19, 2005


So I whipped this one out last night. Usually I ink my drawings on watercolor or heavy drawing paper because I like the tooth. After seeing a watercolor painting done on vellum the other day, I decided to test the ink out on the next best thing available to me already - tracing paper. Because of the waxy, non-porous surface the ink lays on top and can be pushed around very easily. I like the way it can make a nice mess without sacrificing fine lines if I so desire. And I do.

Also, I want to do many more music related themes in my work. If you don't know me, and you don't, I loves me the tunes. While looking up pictures of a saxophone to reference, I got all nostalgic for my sax playing days. Sure, I was bad (just like I am on guitar, bass violin, accordion, piano, . . . ) but it was fun to make some noise and pretend. If I had three wishes one of them would definitely to magically gain some musical talent. Robert Johnson made a pretty fair deal, I say.


This reminds me of my early spot poking days at humboldt when I didn't know anything about poking smot and were were "playing the saxamaphone" and I asked, "is it the point to get the smoke inhaled?" And then that whole Clinton didn't inhale thing suddenly made Sooooo muuuch seeeense! And I was hungry suddenly also.  

Posted by mandy

12/21/2005 11:32:00 PM  




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