I am finally starting to get a good technique for playing sudoku. I think that this might replace the weboggle addiction that I kicked a few months ago.
My mother-in-law loves crossword puzzles. (I've always hated them. HATED!) When my sister-in-law gave her a book of Sudoku puzzles, thinking that she might enjoy the similarities, my mother-in-law said, "Your idea of fun is toooorturrrrrrrre." Here are the reasons Sudoku is far superior to crossword puzzles. 1) They rely on pure logic. No stupid mumbo jumbo like "aria" for the clue, "Rousing song" or "owen" for "Goofy actor" right after "ewan" for "Forceful actor". You would only get that kind of crap if you play crosswords all the time and you happen to know that crossword writers love to use "aria" and other key words because it fits nicely in a jam. That sucks. 2) That's it. Sudoku is better. It really is nothing like crosswords, but it is the new fad that is replacing/complimenting it on the funnies page. I was always into joining new fads. Like hula hooping. Like blogging.
Hey Steve - why did I have to go to Marigold's blog to find out that you have put together an illustrator cooperative ? You should be posting it HERE, for all your adoring FANS.
Anyway. The site looks great. I love that neverending client list. I've got three on mine so far. ;)
Good luck to you all - it really looks great. I guess thanks to marigold.
Posted by ribbu
I refuse to become addicted to this. And why did you have to link up webboggle again? WHY?
Posted by Jeanette
Refuse? or don't care? "Refuse" implies that you really want it. And if that's the case - Relax . . . listen to my voice . . . 1 . . .2 . . . 3 . . . 4 . . . 5 . . . 6 . . . 7 . . . 8 . . . 9 . . . SUDOKU!
Robbi, best friend o' mine, the reason I didn't post about Inkbots yet was because it isn't really official yet. We are still making some minor design and personnel changes. I promise that I will cut the ribbon (and the cheese) when it is officially up and running.
Posted by Steve
I am finally starting to get a good technique for playing sudoku
Um, okay... let's hear it!
Posted by Alicia
It is just a matter of seeing the patterns better. For instance, if there are two 9's already represented in two of three rows then the third 9 is sure to be in only 3 of nine options within a particular quadrant.
Obviously, it is not something that is easy to talk about, or I would have been clearer. Now off to play some more!
Posted by Steve
No... I get what you're sayin'. I tried it for the first time this weekend, out of sheer boredom at my parents' house and I was instantly fascinated... and frustrated.
Posted by Alicia
It took me 16 minutes 23 seconds to solve my first "easy" puzzle. yow... but hell, yeah. I love it. I'll try more.
Posted by cORY
16 minutes isn't too bad. I think my best time on an easy puzzle is 11 something minutes.
I have tried Medium a few times and it takes me forever to get them. I can't imagine how difficult "evil" is.
Posted by Steve
12 mins and 7 seconds on tonight's "easy." Next I'll try medium. They have them in the paper next to the crossword (I just discovered) out here.
Posted by cORY
Ugh. Sudoku is so popular at work. Part of my section of B&N includes games. I'm sick of the stuff. We kept getting more in and there was no room so we set up this huge table in the middle of the store filled with just Sudoku. I haven't tried it myself yet.
Posted by gnatish
sodoku is officially a national craze because they did a piece on it on CBS Sunday Morning this morning!
Of course, they also did a piece on Teri Garr. Is she a national craze?
Posted by sara