Saturday, May 14, 2005

Getting There

I am so happy that I am almost done with this quarter. It will be wonderful to get home and be with Marigold, the best person ever in the universe, again. Butt it is more complicated than that as well. It will be sad say, "Goodbye forever!" to some of these people that I have gotten to know. With only about forty-five of us bumping into each other here for the last nine weeks we have seen all our delicate under things (or lack thereof). I guess goodbyes are always awkward.

Many of the Film students have already left for the Cannes Film festival. I am jealous of their opportunity, but I think that would have been too much for me on top of everything else here. So lots of those people I might not see again. Ever. It is strange to think that I am to them just like they are to me – a stranger passing in and out of orbit. Maybe some will stay in a distant orbit. I hope.

Speaking of the film students, I finally saw the short movie that I acted in along with everybody else at the screening last night. I hated myself. My voice, my delivery, my face . . . everything. I want to do it all again, and this time do it right. I know that I couldn’t have been that bad, with all the compliments that I have gotten. Aren’t all those people just trying to make me feel worthwhile, although? Should I trust them or my own inner critic? That dude is pretty harsh, so maybe he should be fired. The director/writer of the thing said he would give me a disc with the movie on it, but then he flew away. Now he is kicking it in Cannes.




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