Another one!
This is Haynes (He's not retarded, but acts that way sometimes). Aaron is there too. They were my good buddies who also spent the night with me in the Printmaking studio. For the record, we were not procrastinating. We make up the whole of Intaglio Printmaking here and we had a ridiculous amount of work. That D. Clifford is hard-driving task master who personally makes me hate printmaking all together. I am in France. FRANCE! And I schedule naps (if I can) during the beautiful days so that I can stay up all night wiping down copper plates. This is something that I couldn't do in Savannah.
Mr. Dale and I are currently having a Cold War, but there is only one week left after this class. If I can get by with at least a C, I can let bastards be bastards. I know I can get fairly passive aggressive, so I am a bastard too.
So this is results of one of the projects that I just finished working on. It is supposed to be drypoint, but it is more than that. The next project is themed around our reaction to Iraqi war. I had a big ol' plan for that based on the Abu Graib prison scandal and the Thumbs Up sign, but out of frustration and exhaustion just scratched "Fuck War" into the plate. I wanted it to say just "Fuck" but that might have been taken personally by the teacher (and probably meant that way too).
The sun officially peaks over the distant hills at 6:29 AM. This pic is about 5:45.