People WIll Like You
Here is a fun thing to do: You and your friend are going for a ride someplace and he/she is driving. Make sure that radio is on, this usually isn't a problem, but it is vital. When you get into the passenger seat and your friend has started driving, start to tell and amusing anecdote or dramatic short story to your friend, the driver. After a few sentences, he/she should be really into the story, if your anything like me. Reach to radio as if you are going to turn it down, like it is distracting. Instead, turn it up. Slowly. Gradually, over several more surprising developments in your story, the radio should be blasting. Screws are coming loose, speakers have busted, other drivers are looking, and your friend is screaming and bleeding from the ears. That is when everybody realizes that that was a really funny joke you just played on them.
Ahh, this is a good one, Steve. And, I believe I've actually experienced it first hand from you.
My variation goes somewhat like this: Wait until you are picking someone up from an airport or someplace. Just as long as you haven't seen them in awhile, and you know they have a story to tell. Get past all the "hellos" and "weather" crap. When they are getting ready to unload their story and you say, "Tell me all about it," wait for the pause. Just before they are getting ready to begin, THAT's when you turn up the music and completely ignore them.
Actually, this isn't as funny as it is mean. But, it's funny to me. And that's what matters, right?