Adam and Steve

I hope that I went overboard for this school project. This is a schematic contour study of the Adam and Eve panel of Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling fresco. I like that it came out fairly trippy. I didn't expect this assignment to fun, but I loved it. Maybe to torture myself I will do some more just for the hell of it.
The biggest lesson that I learned from doing this is: I knew that Michelangelo was gay, but now I know exactly what kind of gay-taste he had. Big muscular men with firm boobies and long curly hair. That's about as gay as gay gets.
It is on 18" x 24" paper, but doesn't use the whole space. So I'd guess that it is about 17" x 17". And to answer your question sir, Since I'm gayer than Christmas, I go for the slim, yet shapely figure. Must be very pretty and alluring, and butt not tall. Oh, Also named Marigold.
Oh, I figured those were just the way the women of his time were...Really nice piece Steve, what advice did the prof offer before you started it? I might try it myself.
She said, "Do it." Really she didn't say much. She gave us a long list of different artists we could pick from. I was going to do the Mona Lisa, but then thought about how Ms. Lisa isn't naked. Nakedness is important in life drawing classes. That's why it's my birthday two days a week.