
This is Mirabella, cutest niece ever. She is four years old and destined to be a genius. She can do it all: sing; draw; read; write; tell stories; play piano, tree people, and My Little Pony. Her mother (my sister-in-law), Hasmin, helps her send hand-made cards to us when Mirabella is inspired to think of Marigold and I. This makes me think that I am a bad uncle for moving away from her. So trips back to Louisiana must be planned. This is what came in the mail today:

A drawing that Mirabella drew on 6/28/04. The spider's name is Tony Haske. I guess that Tony made quite an impression on her when he visited New Orleans over a year ago.
Never thought of Tony as a spider before. Hmm. I'll have to ponder this ... pondering, pondering ... (fading away) ...
I am glad Mirabella got me from my good side. One day I might have to try and draw her, but I may need some schooling to do as well she did for me. Once again this is simple thoughts by tony haske, pay no attention to him........he's looney!!!
Didn't want you to feel slighted.