New Haircut
Yesterday I was walking to one of my classes and the bugs were figuratively crawling up my ass. Gnats seemed to have a heat seeking attraction to my beautiful head. So I was walking like a crazy person with the constant twitching and swatting and twisting and crouching to poop and spit. I don't think defecating helped to dispel to bugs. In fact, it seemed to have the opposite effect. Next time I will try to remove my buttocks from my pants first. Yeah.
Anyway, I realized that a fair amount of the tickles I was feeling on my ear-holes was not actually any gnat creature, but my very own hair. If I let my hair grow (as if I had a choice. Damn hormones!) it can get quite unmanageable. As those of you who know me know, my hair at more than two inches long makes a very nice woman’s perm, circa 1954. I've tried to grow it longer in the hopes that it passes it's awkward stage and just looks cool and flowing like Jim Morrison, or Gavin Rosdale, or Cindy Crawford. Of course, this was in my college days (Round 1) and I didn't pull it off. There are a fair amount of people out there that would say I, in fact, failed miserably in the cool department. That's okay though. It was college. We are all supposed to have questionable taste in college, especially at Humboldt. So in an effort to not repeat the horrible mistakes of the past, I promptly shaved my head when I got home from class. Now I sigh with relief every time I don’t have to do anything at all to maintain any hair mess from happening on top of my head. I recommend that everyone do it. Come on ladies! You’ll love it! Then we can wear all the same clothes so that that isn’t a worry either. And then maybe we can rank each other so that there is no confusion over who gives the orders around here. And lights out at 0200 sharp!

Here's the before and after pics from the haircut. I think I did wonders.
Anyway, I realized that a fair amount of the tickles I was feeling on my ear-holes was not actually any gnat creature, but my very own hair. If I let my hair grow (as if I had a choice. Damn hormones!) it can get quite unmanageable. As those of you who know me know, my hair at more than two inches long makes a very nice woman’s perm, circa 1954. I've tried to grow it longer in the hopes that it passes it's awkward stage and just looks cool and flowing like Jim Morrison, or Gavin Rosdale, or Cindy Crawford. Of course, this was in my college days (Round 1) and I didn't pull it off. There are a fair amount of people out there that would say I, in fact, failed miserably in the cool department. That's okay though. It was college. We are all supposed to have questionable taste in college, especially at Humboldt. So in an effort to not repeat the horrible mistakes of the past, I promptly shaved my head when I got home from class. Now I sigh with relief every time I don’t have to do anything at all to maintain any hair mess from happening on top of my head. I recommend that everyone do it. Come on ladies! You’ll love it! Then we can wear all the same clothes so that that isn’t a worry either. And then maybe we can rank each other so that there is no confusion over who gives the orders around here. And lights out at 0200 sharp!

Here's the before and after pics from the haircut. I think I did wonders.
Based on your description I was remembering the scene from Survivor Amazon where gnats were swirling around their dirty heads causing Boston Rob to comment about it looking like Club 54 for bugs.