Tuesday, April 12, 2005


So we arrived in Paris on Thursday afternoon on the TGV, the fast speed train, from Avignon. It was on and off rainy, which was really okay and not depressing in a romantic-type way. It helped add to the dramatic feel a place like Paris should have. Right off the architecture of even the stupidest of buildings impressed me.

One of the first places we headed to was Montmartre with it's crown, the Basilique du Sacré Coeur. Here I am in front of it with my GIGANTIC HEAD!

Look how my head compares to what these Frenchmen present as grand. It is nothing but a silly hat which I might wear on events of celebration, like say a lawn social or any of various annual hullabaloos. It supposedly has one of the largest mosaics on its altar ceiling, but that is childish next to my beautifully complex cranial systems. The view of the city is great from my towering height on Montmartre, and this happens to be the filming location of such fine moving picture stories as the Oscar nominated Amelie. She returns the photo book to the sexshop dude here. Just down the hill is the cafe where Ms. Poulain worked, The Two Windmills. That movie supposedly really helped to revitalize this area. I guess it was poopy before, and now it is wonderful!


Paris in the spring! How lovely...  

Posted by Alicia

4/13/2005 10:22:00 AM  




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